Monday is a fun day.

It's Monday again! That means another anchor point post to keep me from forgetting about this project! YAYAYAY

Real life tried to suck up all of my time last week, and already ate a lot of my energy up over the last two days. I've gotten hardly anything at all done in the engine. I haven't even watched any tutorials.  BUT I am going to keep writing these posts to remind my self that I'm doing something I think is worth my time and effort!

This week I'm just going to write a short to-do list and refer to it through out the week so that I can maybe get some things done while I try to do other things IRL.

To Do List:

  • Take a nap 
  • Script intro
  • Finish setting up the troop runs through the first 'dungeon'
  • Add quippy dialogue to the special attacks for each girl
  • Add =< 50% HP markers in the troops
  • Add =< 25% HP  markers/dialogue to the girls in each troop
  • Shake fist at the code when it doesn't work
  • Set up bandit quest


Make sauerkraut
Remix tile sets

Harvest and create art for attack animations

Watch animation and Pixel tutorials

Bonus bonus

Sleep and eat chocolate and forget my game project even exists for a while.

I'll update this list in a week and see what I've gotten done, and what I still need to do and how bad I've failed.

Someone please fax me a Pizza. I might need it.



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My mouse is still broken and my new one is sitting in front of me in it's blister pack.
Am I lazy?
