A helping hand and books

Greetings fellow Harold fan!

First thing I want to say is that I bought a paper book just to do game dev work while I'm not on my computer! I have a rough plot outline and some ideas brewing in that sketch book! I'm going to be organized for this game!

Secondly: Thanks to KV_Kingdom and his programming skills all of the RTP from MV has been renamed so it can be quickly moved over to MZ without eliminating MZ's RTP! This gives the Harold Game a much larger selection of built in images to play with!
While I plan on editing the RTP my self, this is extremely helpful for those basic, small maps that won't need custom RTP!

A big thank you to KV_Kingdom!

Third: I have begun to toy with adding books! As many of us know MV's selection of skills our heros start with is quite limited. Harold has Spark and Heal. Marsha has Fire. Lucius has Heal. Therese has an ax. It's a nice set to give a beginner an idea of what's possible, but I'm using MZ, so while I am starting with these skills and tools for our heroes I want play with the full range of preset tomfoolery available to me in MZ.

One way to do this, the trite and normal way to do this, is to simply learn a skill as you level up.


At least it's nonsense for Marsha, who is a mage. Mages have to learn by... learning.... and to me that means books. So to do this for every skill I want Marsha to learn I will create a book for that skill and then, for each book, I will write a common event that checks to see that Marsha is in the party, then teaches her the skill, then, and only then, consumes the book/item.

This, to me, gives a player a lot more control over the skills learned. Not only that but leveling up is strictly a power up, which feels more logical and natural to me.
I will also do this for the rest of the gang for different kinds of spells and books.

Until next time,

~ Me

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